At Risk

Now that you have found out you are at risk for von Willebrand disease (VWD), you may have lots of questions on what that means and what to do next.

What is "At Risk"?

Your score indicates that the symptoms you described show that you might have VWD. An online tool can never diagnose someone, though. Your symptoms may end up being a sign of something else altogether. Most importantly, now you know to seek medical care to investigate further.

We have information about three areas to help in your next steps:

  • Who Can Help? More information about finding a healthcare provider for a deeper look at your symptoms and possible testing for diagnosis.
  • How to Prepare? This section arms you with what to bring to a healthcare appointment and how to talk to your healthcare provider about your symptoms.
  • What to Know? Find out more about what VWD is and how to manage your symptoms.